Sunday, April 18, 2010

otters, now with more awesome

Holy shit. Also on the cute otters website is footage of Indian River Otters. The first part is fairly predictable-- adults teaching babies to fish, but then a crocodile appears...

And the otters fight it off.


Hale True said...

hello? "Spoiler alert"? Ever hear the phrase?

Some people I swear.

sarah said...

Suck it, Croc-o-dile!

Whim said...

Oh poppycock. That information is a deciding factor, not a spoiler. Some people might not feel inclined to watch otters frolic and play. Everyone wants to see Otters V Crocodile.

Not saying would be like selling a Wolfman movie as if it were Remains of the Day.

"It's about a man struggling with his true nature and the strictures of British society."

Wordwrestler said...

Best nature video I've seen since that lizard escaped death by running on top of the water.